Right at this moment, I hear children running, and screaming with glee. Today is the first day of school and this is their first recess of the year. There seems to be an imperative within kids that when exiting a school building and entering a playground that they must run and scream and burst forth with joy and that’s just fine with me.

Upon this first day of school, each child is a bit older, a bit wiser, a bit fuller of anticipation of what the future may hold for them. What joy this brings to both my wife and I. You see, we live behind a school. It is all an open field between us and the school. Over 200 yards of empty.

The kids of this school, like most schools, are full of hopes, dreams, social challenges, social victories, and all that comes with an environment built to affirm the value of each child.

For me, I’ve reached a point in life when birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and such have lost their excitement; not their joy but just their newness. In this process, I see within me the mechanics of what often happens as people age.

Shrinking World

So often, older people shrink their world, they become hesitant of change, they close their pockets, and close their minds. But I have determined that I will have none of that. Whatever I have, that is good or of value, has come from Jesus.

I have not forgotten who I really am. I am that young man, standing in the dark, outside a social gathering, hoping I could find someone to help me get a job because I had failed in all my efforts. That’s the real me. All else is the work of the Holy Spirit within me.

Anything good that can be found in me or from me is not of me or is mine. That which is of value or is just or right is what Jesus, my Lord and Savior, placed within me. Therefore, how can it be that I should allow myself to be stingy, withhold my help, or haphazardly pass judgement upon others. No!

I pray, oh my Father, in the Name above every name, that Name of Jesus of Nazareth, help me to “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Romans 12:2 ESV) Oh God, I pray you would impregnate me with Psalms 112:5, which says:

It is well with the man who deals generously and lends;    
who conducts his affairs with justice. Psalm 112:5 ESV

May I never deal harshly or haphazardly with anyone made in Your image, my God. Amen.

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

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