22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-2

We all like fresh

We all like fresh. Fresh air, fresh veggies, fresh bread, freshwater. Yes, that word fresh is how we communicate something is wholesome, good, and able to make a positive impact. Right? Who wants stale bread? Who wants to breathe smog? Who wants to eat a shriveled tomato? Who wants to drink stagnant water? None of us do! Now, chefs, don’t take the stale bread rabbit trail.

We all like fresh. I believe this is something that God wired into us. I think that when God was designing HIs human, He embedded within our architecture, a satisfaction response to “fresh.”  However, there’s a problem. Every child of Adam is immersed in sin, and even after we receive Jesus, God’s Beloved Son, as our Savior, we still have the nature of Adam tugging at us.

Fresh Mercy

Temptation sleeps at our doors. We are always one decision away from sin, and sometimes we make that wrong decision. And that wrong decision may result in really bad things happening. That’s where God’s mercy comes in.

The definition of mercy is forgiving the sinner and withholding the punishment that is justly deserved. Mercy means being spared. Now, God doesn’t just reach in some moldy old bag of mercy and toss it at us like some grinch. That’s not our God! God’s mercies are new every morning; they’re fresh.

You get the full strength from His mercy. You get the full efficacy when you receive His mercy. You get all of everything that He created mercy for. And you can rely upon it, for great is His faithfulness. Now, you must not abuse HIs mercy. His mercy is a gift; it’s not earned or deserved or required through some contractual fine print. You can’t build up an inventory of grace and then cash it in for mercy. Mercy is like the manna from heaven (Exodus 16), it’s only good for “today”, while it’s fresh. 

Receive God’s Mercy

When we have messed up, we can go to the Father through Jesus and confess our sins, repent, and we can ask Him for His mercy; the mercy you receive will be fresh, full strength, unlimited and unassailable by satan. And, during your daily prayers, ask God for fresh mercy for our nation. As a nation, we must recognize our sins, confess our sins, and turn away from our sinful activities. Still, we as a nation have sinned greatly. We need fresh mercy.

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Rock Excavation Service

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