As much as it pains me, we must say goodbye to 2021, let me wish you a happy next year. During this year, we discovered that 2020 was not a fluke; it’s the new normal. We learned that when transitioning to no-mask, “you might feel self-conscious about ’revealing ourselves again to other people at a close distance and without masks’” (ease back to ‘normal’ life)

Tortured Christians in 2021

We learned that in 2021, Christians were tortured and martyred for Jesus in astonishing numbers:

  • Over 340 million Christians living in places where they experience high levels of persecution and discrimination
  • 4,761 Christians were killed for their faith
  • 4,488 churches and other Christian buildings attacked
  • 4,277 believers were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced, or imprisoned

Advance of Christian Rights in Iran

We discovered that house churches are legal in Iran – Iran’s House Churches Are Not Illegal, Says Supreme Court Justice. And we learned that there are 2.54 billion Christians in the world (Christian Percentage o`f Global Population to Increase) while Christianity is not a religion but a community of believers where each person has a personal relationship with Jesus.

Most Google Searches for Christianity by State

  1. Oklahoma
  2. Tennesse
  3. Kentucky
  4. Mississippi
  5. Alabama

Interest in Christianity in USA Declined in 2021

Whose Law is Law

We found that various states in the United States can nullify federal laws with apparent impunity – states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana and declared federal gun laws to be illegal.

Let’s pause for my head to stop spinning…okay.

It’s About Redemption

We discovered that the planet Mars keeps getting closer to colonization Forget Sci-Fi—This NREL Biotechnology Could Actually Help Colonize Mars. And we found that science keeps getting it wrong. It’s not if there is life on other planets; it’s whether the sons and daughters of Adam, here on Earth, will receive God’s gift of salvation and live with Jesus after they die.

Happy Next Year

These are but a trifle of what was discovered this year. My prayer is that the big news of 2022 is revival swept our nation, and whole households were saved daily.

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Rock Excavation Service

Digging for the truth.