A Half Cup of Coffee

photo of coffee mug on top of book

I’m a Coffee Hound.

I am a coffee guy, and I love it when I’m in a restaurant and my coffee cup is half full.

Coffee, in a subtle way, lives in many of my activities in life. “Hey Jim, let’s meet for coffee at 3:00 PM!” “Wait. Don’t speak. Coffee first, then conversation.” To the barista, “Medium Hot Latte, whole milk, with an extra shot.” “Hey, Dear, I found a perfect cappuccino/latte machine on FaceBook marketplace. for only $500!” “No,” says my wife, we don’t need even more coffee makers.” She’s right, but still…

So, yes, I’m a coffee hound, but I’m not highbrow. My whole bean espresso is from 8’oclock Coffee Company. Being a coffee person, you may wonder why I like my coffee cup half full. Two reasons: 1) I can constantly get a ‘warm-up’ at restaurants. 2) I can’t drink scalding hot coffee. Hot coffee in half of a cup of room temperature coffee is perfection.

Great, now you know my proclivity towards coffee, but what does that have to do with living an overcomer’s Christian life? A lot, I think.

Full or Half Full?

Just like fresh coffee, I can find a divine appointment almost everywhere I go. My problem is that I often focus on the wrong thing and miss the right thing. I have to verbally remind myself, “Always, people come before projects.” My grumpy self says that my coffee cup is full, “God, there’s no more room for another task!” But if the Holy Spirit gives me another task, I know that there’s room in my cup. Adding a fresh task to the ones I have will make a perfect balance, for I know He will not give me more than I can handle.

29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Matthew 11:29-30 NLT – Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach – Bible Gateway

There is an old motto from a company whose name escapes me. Their motto was, “The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer.” I like that. The impossible belongs to God. He expects us to work in His kingdom, but He delights in solving problems that we encounter that are impossible for us to fix. Those problems require faith in Him. Real faith, not faulty faith.

How’s Your Coffee?

So, how’s your coffee? Are you ready for a warm-up from God, or are you okay with lukewarm coffee?

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